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Regional Consolidation Meeting on the Project’s training sessions (Beirut-Lebanon, 27 September, 2010)

In the context of the Project on "Provision of Legal Training Components for Legal Institutions of Iraq" (LTI) implemented by ACRLI with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Iraq; ACRLI organized a Regional Consolidation Meeting to discuss the Project's capacity building activities in terms of design, methodology and material, on the 27th of September 2010, in Beirut.

The participants included representatives of the relevant judicial bodies; Higher Judicial Council (HJC), Kurdistan Judicial Council (KJC), Ministries of Justice (MOJ) in Baghdad and Kurdistan; as well as regional and international experts and IAG members in addition to UNDP Iraq representatives.

This meeting offered an opportunity to discuss and validate; in the presence of (1)the stakeholders,(2)the implementer,(3)the international experts, and(4)the supporter of the project; the training design, methodology, and materials according to the international standards and best practices.

Furthermore, the meeting aimed at customizing the capacity building program to the Iraqi context and to the existing needs.

1- Agenda
2- Explanatory Paper

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