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Training sessions, on Commercial Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in Lebanon, Tunis, Yemen, UAE (March 2010) | | Within MENA CLS project ACRLI organized eight training sessions on Commercial Dispute Resolution Mechanisms (2 per country) in each of the project’s pilot countries (Lebanon, Tunisia, Yemen and UAE) during the month of March 2010. These training sessions which targets lawyers and Businesspersons with an average of forty trainees per session, will be divided as follows: Session one will focus on complex commercial litigation and Session two will focus on alternative dispute resolution mechanism.
A- Lebanon:
- Pictures:
Picture1, Picture2, Picture3
B- Tunisia:
Press Releases: Tunisia Press
C- Yemen:
Agenda (Arabic)
List of Participants (Arabic)
Training Report (Arabic)
Pictures: Picture1, Picture2, Picture3 | | |
