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Encyclopedia of Arab Legislations and Regulations
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ACRLI provides access to its online library that includes:
  • The encyclopedia of Arab legislations and regulations: holds all legal texts (laws, decrees and decision) of all Arab countries, which comprises the Public laws such as; constitutions, special legislations about legislative regulations and elections, Private laws like Trades, economic and business laws, Banking laws, civil laws, penal laws, financial and taxation laws and personal status laws etc.
  • Doctrine references: contains 5900 Arab and international doctrine references (book, article, study, sites, etc.) regarding the
    subjects of Justice, Media, Partnership, Legislative drafting and political regimes.
  • Who’s who: embraces about 1670 references of all bodies, international and regional organizations and think tanks concerning the topics of; (rule of law, justice, anti-corruption and democracy etc.).

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